Sunday, December 14, 2008

Christmas Hoedown

Send your own ElfYourself eCards

Picture Day

Zoe had her first picture day at preschool.  I thought for sure they would be terrible, but I had decided I would be happy no matter what they looked like since they were her very first school picture.  In the end, we were pretty happy with the results.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Noah's First Snow

It sure makes it more difficult to enjoy the snow when you can't walk!  I think in the end Noah enjoyed his first snow.

First Snowfall!

We woke up this morning to the first snowfall of the year.  It's hard to say how much snow fell, but it seems to be several inches.  Definitely enough snow to play in.  Zoe even enjoyed a "snow cone" with actual snow vs. shaved ice.  What a great way to start the weekend.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Christmas Time!

Last year, for the first time ever, we bought our Christmas tree at a Christmas tree lot.  We usually go to a Christmas tree farm and cut our own down.  We couldn't find a tree farm in Humboldt county, so we ended up at a lot.  I don't know if it was the fact that the tree seemed dead in a VERY short time or if it was the uneventful feeling we had while picking out our tree at a lot...whichever the case we vowed NOT to do it again this year.  We were  determined to find a tree farm or pay the $10.00 and trudge out into the forest to find our own tree.  After a bit of research we finally found someone who knew of a tree farm in the hills of Arcata.  It isn't advertised.  It's more a word of mouth sort of place.  So on Saturday morning we set out to find the "hidden" tree farm.  We didn't really expect to find it since the directions we were given were quite vague.  To our surprise we found it pretty easily.  It was GREAT!  It's a tree farm that a local, older couple have at their house.  You walk around their property in search for the perfect tree.  The only stipulation is that the tree must be taller than 5 feet (as you can see ours is 10 ft).  Once you find your perfect tree you flag it and then cut it down.  Many of the best trees were already flagged, but after a bit of searching we found our perfect tree!  At first our plan was to flag it and take one more look to see if there was anything better, but Zoe refused to leave the tree.  Her exact words were "This is our tree.  I'm going to stay by it and protect it so no one else takes it."  That pretty much settled the decision...we knew it must be the tree for us.  After we had our picture taken by our tree, went on a hayride and had some free apple cider served from the couples' kitchen we tied our tree to the top of our car and headed home.  It's definitely a tree with "character".  At first we named it our Charlie Brown tree.  Then we thought it was a little more Whoville-ish.  Now I'm not really sure what type of tree it is, but it definitely showcases our whacky ornaments nicely.  

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Leader of the Pack

Here's a classic Zoe moment!  The picture says it all.

Mr. Pickle

Noah LOVES to eat.  To date these are the foods he consumes in massive quantities or has at least tasted and enjoyed:  Rice Cereal, Squash, Sweet Potato, Spinach, Banana, Apple, Raspberries, Peaches, Corn, Carrots, Zucchini, Yogurt, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Peas, Cheerios, Green Beans, Apple Sauce, Tofu, Bread, Grapes, Satsumas, Lemons (yes...lemons), Strawberries, and now PICKLES!!!!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Right or Left?

Dancer test

The Right Brain vs. Left Brain you see the dancer turning clockwise or anti-clockwise?
If clockwise, then you use more of the right side of the brain and vice versa.
Most of us would see the dancer turning anti-clockwise though  you can try to focus and change the direction; see if you can do it.

Steve and I found this test so crazy!  We both see it go in both directions.  It literally just switches directions while we're looking at it.
So we're curious...which way does it turn for you?  Are you left or right brained?

Guitar Hero

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Horsing Around!

Our landlords have a horse and we live right by the stable.  Zoe loves to visit Tina.  She gets to pet her, brush her and feed her carrots, apples, grain etc.  Last weekend she even got to go for her first horse ride.  It's so great...we have all the perks of having a horse without actually having to have a horse!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Happy Half Birthday!

Noah turned 6 months old last Saturday, and he seems to be hitting  milestones like crazy.  Just before his half birthday, he started army crawling.  He also cut his first tooth last Sunday.  We went to the doctor last week too.  He weighs 17.7 lbs (50th percentile), and he is 28 1/2 inches long (100th percentile...I really didn't know there was such a thing as 100th percentile).   He continues to eat everything in HUGE quantities.  As you can see he would eat the pumpkin if he could.  I really think he has a hollow leg!  Best of all he is still a mellow munchkin!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

Today we surprised Zoe with a trip to the pumpkin patch.  We told her we needed to go to town to run a few errands (which we did).  She fell asleep on the way into town.  While she and Noah slept we drove to the pumpkin patch in Blue Lake.  When we arrived Zoe awoke immediately and said "Where are we?"  We didn't tell her at first.    She looked around for some sort of familiar clue, but it all seemed unfamiliar to her.  Once we got out of  the car she saw a huge pile of pumpkins.  With a huge smile on her face she yelled "we're at the pumpkin patch!"  We had a great time.  We played in the hay bale maze, took a hay ride out to the pumpkin field, and spent quite a bit of time finding the perfect pumpkins.  We even ran into a few friends (one from when I was in the credential program, and one from Zoe's preschool).  It was a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

First Haircut!

Last Friday Zoe had her first hair cut.   Since she pretty much didn't have hair for the first 2 years of her life (unless you count the mullet), this is a BIG deal .  We both went in for a trim. We sat in the chairs next to each other.  It made me realize how much Zoe is growing up!  Her new hair cut looks great!  It's amazing what a little trim can do.  

Sunday, September 28, 2008


While Zoe was busy getting ready for the fashion show, Noah was busy posing for the camera.  He loves having his picture taken.  He is still a very mellow fellow.  He spends most of his day rolling around the house.  It's amazing how far he can go just by rolling.   

Runway Zoe!

There is a great...overpriced...children's store in Old Town Eureka.  From time to time Zoe and I stop in an try to score a deal from the sale rack.  One of the last times we stopped in, the owner asked if Zoe was interested in being in a fashion show at a local museum.  Zoe was thrilled and eagerly said yes.  I guess I should back up...Zoe is my fashion queen.  She loves to go shopping, and she loves getting new clothes.  I think she is the only 3 year old  who isn't disappointed to get clothes for Christmas or birthday gifts.  She has always been this way.  She started dressing herself and picking out her own outfits before she was even 2.  I must admit she usually has pretty good taste.  Although, at times, her outfits need a little bit of "modificaiton".    She had a great time walking down the runway with the other girls and boys, and if she has it her way she'll be in more fashion shows in future.  

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The View

Steve took this photo the other night from our deck while he was BBQing.  It's an example of the view we see most nights.  We love living in Kneeland!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Woodside Preschool's CEO

Zoe has started preschool this year and she LOVES it!  She had no problem leaving Daddy on the first day.  She actually was quite upset to find out that Daddy would be working in the classroom once a month.  Her exact words were:  "I'm big enough to go to school by myself!  Why do you have to go?"  We tried to explain that Daddy had to volunteer since she goes to a  Co-op preschool.  She didn't think that was a good enough reason.  So ultimately we told her Daddy wouldn't talk to her and that he was just going to help the teacher.  This made her feel better. Miss Patty, Zoe's teacher, has named her the CEO of the class.  She said that Zoe definitely knows how to take charge.  She mentioned that every class has a CEO and every class needs one...sounds like the Zoe we know and love!   

Monday, September 1, 2008

Daily Workout

Here's Noah doing his "Daily Workout".  He is so proud that he can roll over from back to front AND from front to back!

She's Got The Look

Zoe loves to dress up.  Here's a picture of a typical outfit she would choose.  She always remembers to accessorize!

Outside Lands Festival

Last weekend Zoe and Noah experienced their first concert.  We went to one day of the 3 day long Outside Lands Festival in Golden Gate Park.  Zoe had been looking forward to it for months.  We got to see Jack Johnson, The Motherhips, and Widespread Panic (to name a few). One new band we got to see was Los Amigos Invisibles (a new favorite that I recommend checking out if you're into Venezuelan Funk).  Zoe REALLY enjoyed Los Amigos...she couldn't stop dancing.  She sang her little heart out while Jack Johnson was onstage and she has asked that we add some Widespread Panic to her "cd."(She has a mix cd of some of her favorite songs/artists...Jack Johnson, The Presidents of  the United States, Red Hot Chili Peppers, The Motherhips, Cold War Kids, Vampire Weekend etc.)  As you can see from the photos they even make baby earplugs.  

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Teeny Starfish

This summer, Zoe took swimming lessons.  We enrolled her in the Teeny Starfish class.  It's basically a class designed to help children feel comfortable in the water.  She learned how to kick, float, jump off the side of the pool, and her favorite put her head underwater and hold her breath. Now that she can hold her breath, she finds bath time even more enjoyable.  She is constantly laying under the water trying to see how long she can hold her breath.  She has also brought being a "chatterbox" to a whole new level.  For those of you who know Zoe you know she is a talker and that she has been for quite some time.  She has literally learned to talk underwater.  Yesterday while she was taking a bath she sang Twinkle Twinkle Little Star underwater.  She found it quite amazing!  She can't wait to be in the Tiny Guppies swim class later this fall. 

Just Like Mommy!

Ok, so yesterday I told Zoe that I wanted to go Plaza Shoes in Arcata, and I asked if she wanted to come.  Her reply was a VERY enthusiastic "YES".  We all piled into the car and made our way to the shoe store.  When we arrived we found that the store was actually closed on Mondays.  Zoe was practically in tears.  I thought maybe it was because we drove a 1/2 hour just to go the shoe store, but I later realized it was because she has my love for shoes.  (For those of you who are unaware I have a bit of a shoe obsession.  I literally have at least 30 pairs.) I promised we would go again this week.  Zoe woke up this morning and the first words out of her mouth were...."today's the day we get to go the shoe store".  She could hardly contain her excitement!  Well I couldn't disappoint her so this afternoon we went to the store...only to find they were having a SALE.  (Shoes on Sale what could be better :0)  Apparently it was Zoe's lucky day.  She chose a GREAT pair of shoes.  They are turquoise and sparkly.  They actually sparkle in the sunlight.  I just wish they had a pair in my size!  

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Noah is getting bigger and bigger every day.  He smiles and laughs constantly.  He especially loves watching and smiling at his big sister.  He can now roll over from his back to his front.  He isn't very fond of lying on his tummy so he usually squawks and squawks once he feels he's been lying on his belly for too long.  Now we are waiting for him to figure out how to roll from tummy to back (which usually comes first...but it wouldn't be the Macknicki way to do it the "normal" way)  
We took Noah to  the doctor this past week.  He already weighs 15 lbs. 2 ounces and is  26 1/2 inches long.  He is in the 60th percentile for weight and the 93rd percentile for height...definitely not a little guy!  
The doctor thought he was VERY active and suggested starting to feed him some solid food since he is burning tons of calories.  Compared to Zoe he doesn't seem SOOO active, but I guess we have nothing else to go by.  
So, this week Noah started eating rice cereal.  He seemed to take to it immediately.  He gobbles up the whole bowl everytime.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Little Macknickis

Here are some photos of the little ones from the last few months.  

Humboldt County Fair

On Sunday, we went to the 112th Humboldt County Fair.  It was very "quaint" and much smaller than the other county fairs we've been other words very Humboldt County.  We all experienced the perfect combination of fair junk food, carnival rides, and games.   We even saw "Cannonball Smith".  In case you're not familiar...Cannonball Smith is an individual who wears a safety helmet, slides inside a slender cannon, and becomes a human projectile.  It was quite the experience!   

Fort Ross Fun Run

In May, Zoe participated in her 2nd Fun Run.  She ran in the 100 meters race, and she also walked the 5k with Noah and I.  We didn't quite make it to the turn around, but we did walk at least 2 1/2 miles.  Zoe walked  the whole thing by herself with no complaints.  She kept her "eyes on the prize" (a popsicle after the finish of the race).  She is definitely quite the athlete.