This summer, Zoe took swimming lessons. We enrolled her in the Teeny Starfish class. It's basically a class designed to help children feel comfortable in the water. She learned how to kick, float, jump off the side of the pool, and her favorite put her head underwater and hold her breath. Now that she can hold her breath, she finds bath time even more enjoyable. She is constantly laying under the water trying to see how long she can hold her breath. She has also brought being a "chatterbox" to a whole new level. For those of you who know Zoe you know she is a talker and that she has been for quite some time. She has literally learned to talk underwater. Yesterday while she was taking a bath she sang Twinkle Twinkle Little Star underwater. She found it quite amazing! She can't wait to be in the Tiny Guppies swim class later this fall.
Homemade Twix Bars
1 week ago
Your little ones are so cute! I'm glad you found my page. I'm just getting started on this whole blogging things. :o)
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