Today we surprised Zoe with a trip to the pumpkin patch. We told her we needed to go to town to run a few errands (which we did). She fell asleep on the way into town. While she and Noah slept we drove to the pumpkin patch in Blue Lake. When we arrived Zoe awoke immediately and said "Where are we?" We didn't tell her at first. She looked around for some sort of familiar clue, but it all seemed unfamiliar to her. Once we got out of the car she saw a huge pile of pumpkins. With a huge smile on her face she yelled "we're at the pumpkin patch!" We had a great time. We played in the hay bale maze, took a hay ride out to the pumpkin field, and spent quite a bit of time finding the perfect pumpkins. We even ran into a few friends (one from when I was in the credential program, and one from Zoe's preschool). It was a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon.
Homemade Twix Bars
1 week ago
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