Noah turned 6 months old last Saturday, and he seems to be hitting milestones like crazy. Just before his half birthday, he started army crawling. He also cut his first tooth last Sunday. We went to the doctor last week too. He weighs 17.7 lbs (50th percentile), and he is 28 1/2 inches long (100th percentile...I really didn't know there was such a thing as 100th percentile). He continues to eat everything in HUGE quantities. As you can see he would eat the pumpkin if he could. I really think he has a hollow leg! Best of all he is still a mellow munchkin!
Homemade Twix Bars
1 week ago
A very happy unbirthday to you!! =)
Jilly....your kids are so cute. I love the hollow leg - my kids still have them, especially
Abigail. That little piggy was always the 110% - I was always afraid the dr. would call her obese and I'd be on the Maury Povich show - look at my 100lb 3 year old! But she turned out pretty good and seems to have her daddy's metabolism - thank God!!!!
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