Noah had a doctor's appointment last week for his 9 month check up. I really don't know where the time has gone! He weighs 20.8 lbs. (50th percentile), is 29 1/2 inches long (95th percentile), and his head is in the 75th percentile :0) He army crawls like crazy. (Zoe never got on her hands and knees to crawl & I think Noah is going to be the same way) He has 5 teeth (3 on the top and 2 on the bottom) We are now at the stage where we have to close all of the doors because he laughs and takes off down the hall towards any open room. He seems to consistently say "da-da" and as of the last few days he has started to say "uh-oh". "Uh-oh" was Zoe's first word so it's brought back a lot of memories:0) And the big news is...for the past 17 days (not that I'm counting:0) Noah has been sleeping through the night!!! It's amazing quickly time goes by. Before I know it Zoe will be in Kindergarten and Noah will be a toddler.
Homemade Twix Bars
1 week ago
You've got it right sister : ) Time flies when you're having fun. I'm still getting over the leftover blues from Abigail turning 6!!! And well my little Lil won't be little much longer...her legs are growing like mad - I can only imagine how big she'll look when we break out the shorts!
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