Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Teeny Starfish

This summer, Zoe took swimming lessons.  We enrolled her in the Teeny Starfish class.  It's basically a class designed to help children feel comfortable in the water.  She learned how to kick, float, jump off the side of the pool, and her favorite put her head underwater and hold her breath. Now that she can hold her breath, she finds bath time even more enjoyable.  She is constantly laying under the water trying to see how long she can hold her breath.  She has also brought being a "chatterbox" to a whole new level.  For those of you who know Zoe you know she is a talker and that she has been for quite some time.  She has literally learned to talk underwater.  Yesterday while she was taking a bath she sang Twinkle Twinkle Little Star underwater.  She found it quite amazing!  She can't wait to be in the Tiny Guppies swim class later this fall. 

Just Like Mommy!

Ok, so yesterday I told Zoe that I wanted to go Plaza Shoes in Arcata, and I asked if she wanted to come.  Her reply was a VERY enthusiastic "YES".  We all piled into the car and made our way to the shoe store.  When we arrived we found that the store was actually closed on Mondays.  Zoe was practically in tears.  I thought maybe it was because we drove a 1/2 hour just to go the shoe store, but I later realized it was because she has my love for shoes.  (For those of you who are unaware I have a bit of a shoe obsession.  I literally have at least 30 pairs.) I promised we would go again this week.  Zoe woke up this morning and the first words out of her mouth were...."today's the day we get to go the shoe store".  She could hardly contain her excitement!  Well I couldn't disappoint her so this afternoon we went to the store...only to find they were having a SALE.  (Shoes on Sale what could be better :0)  Apparently it was Zoe's lucky day.  She chose a GREAT pair of shoes.  They are turquoise and sparkly.  They actually sparkle in the sunlight.  I just wish they had a pair in my size!  

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Noah is getting bigger and bigger every day.  He smiles and laughs constantly.  He especially loves watching and smiling at his big sister.  He can now roll over from his back to his front.  He isn't very fond of lying on his tummy so he usually squawks and squawks once he feels he's been lying on his belly for too long.  Now we are waiting for him to figure out how to roll from tummy to back (which usually comes first...but it wouldn't be the Macknicki way to do it the "normal" way)  
We took Noah to  the doctor this past week.  He already weighs 15 lbs. 2 ounces and is  26 1/2 inches long.  He is in the 60th percentile for weight and the 93rd percentile for height...definitely not a little guy!  
The doctor thought he was VERY active and suggested starting to feed him some solid food since he is burning tons of calories.  Compared to Zoe he doesn't seem SOOO active, but I guess we have nothing else to go by.  
So, this week Noah started eating rice cereal.  He seemed to take to it immediately.  He gobbles up the whole bowl everytime.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Little Macknickis

Here are some photos of the little ones from the last few months.  

Humboldt County Fair

On Sunday, we went to the 112th Humboldt County Fair.  It was very "quaint" and much smaller than the other county fairs we've been other words very Humboldt County.  We all experienced the perfect combination of fair junk food, carnival rides, and games.   We even saw "Cannonball Smith".  In case you're not familiar...Cannonball Smith is an individual who wears a safety helmet, slides inside a slender cannon, and becomes a human projectile.  It was quite the experience!   

Fort Ross Fun Run

In May, Zoe participated in her 2nd Fun Run.  She ran in the 100 meters race, and she also walked the 5k with Noah and I.  We didn't quite make it to the turn around, but we did walk at least 2 1/2 miles.  Zoe walked  the whole thing by herself with no complaints.  She kept her "eyes on the prize" (a popsicle after the finish of the race).  She is definitely quite the athlete.

Monday, August 11, 2008


After many requests for recent photos and info. about our lives, I decided a blog might be the way to go.  I hope it will "force" me to keep in touch and keep everyone up to date.  It will also help me to document our lives for the little Macknickis!  

My plan is to post photos regularly and keep everyone informed about our lives in Kneeland.
Wish Me Luck!