Sunday, May 6, 2012

Sew Let's Party

Last weekend Zoe celebrated her SEVENth birthday by having a sewing party.  I was so busy helping the girls make skirts that I didn't get many pictures of the party happenings.  Zoe was thrilled to celebrate her special day by sewing and playing with her close friends.

  Pink "Button" sugar cookies

 buttons for decorating headbands
 "button" cupcakes
daisy cut lids for the mason jar cups

 Fun pink, paper, polk-a-dot straws
 dollar store candle revamp (thanks for the idea Colleen)

 headbands that the girls made while we were 
sewing skirts

 paper dolls were also available for the girls to decorate

 pincushions that I made and put in the girls' goodie baskets

 Happy 7th Birthday

I didn't get many pictures of the table.  I used a an old pattern as a table cloth 
and cut out sewing machines to decorate the table

An example of one of the skirts the girls made 

 The goodie baskets 

 Along with the pincushion, I made a box out of paint chips.
Inside the box, I put a sewing machine charm.  
We started a new tradition this year...
At each birthday party the girls who attend a birthday party get a charm 
that matches the theme of the party.  Another mom and I made bracelets 
and the girls add a charm.  We figure after years of parties the girls
will be able to look at their bracelets and have fond memories of the 
birthday parties over the years.  From this year alone, the girls have a fortune
cookie charm from a Chinese Tea Party,  a sewing machine charm from Zoe's 
Sewing Party, and a flower charm from a Fairy Party.

Girl paper dolls for the girls and a Caillou 
paper doll for Noah


Lickety-Split Kids said...

Oh, what fun!! What a great party. You are so creative!

Unknown said...

such a cute party jil!!!!