So today is Noah's day. I'm writing a post specifically about him. My poor second child...the posts just about him are few and far between. Yesterday Noah had his well baby check up. He turned 16 months last week. He weighs 26.5 lbs (67th percentile). He is 33 inches tall (87th percentile) AND his head is 48 cm (75th percentile) If you can believe it his head is actually larger than Zoe's was at this age. Noah now has 16 teeth! Now that numbers 15 & 16 are just barely poking through he is a much happier child. Getting 8 teeth in 4 weeks made for a GRUMPY Noah! During the teething bout he also had Roseola for a week (or some kind of similar virus).
Noah seems to be saying and repeating many words. The ones he says frequently are: toe, apple, ball, doggie, eye, what's that, cup, bite, mine, Mommy, Mama, Daddy, Dada, Zaza (meaning Zoe), Granny (sounds like Dranny), Baba, Bobble (for bottle), cow, moo, horsie, hi, bye, mmm (when some is yummy), snack, bar, some, up (although the /p/ sound is often left off), cheese (when you take his picture or if he sees a camera), crackie (which is what he calls a cracker), and we're still not certain but when he cries and he's upset we think he says "I sad".
His continues to climb everything and get himself into precarious situations. If he doesn't end up with a broken bone or stitches during his childhood I'll be shocked. Just this past week he gave himself a black eye, a scratch on his face, a big scratch on his knee and bloody teeth twice!
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