Poor Noah, he is definitely the 2nd child. After looking at all my recent blog posts, it seems that the posts about Zoe greatly out number the posts about Noah. Noah still remains to be our super mellow child. He is so happy and easy going. He is 13 1/2 months now and still isn't really walking. He can do it, but he just doesn't like too. Occasionally I'll see him walk 10 steps or so to walk across the room, but for the most part he would rather crawl. The other day I asked him if he knew how to walk and he shook his head yes and said "uh-uh". When I asked him if he liked to walk he shook his head no and said "uh-uh". As you can see he says "uh-uh" for yes and no. His favorite words/phrases are uh-uh, mama, dada, uh-oh, hi, doggie, and horse (which actually sounds similar to dog) and what's that.
Homemade Twix Bars
1 week ago
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