This weekend, Noah celebrated his 4th birthday. He celebrated by having a construction themed birthday party...his first birthday party EVER! After watching from the sidelines as Zoe has had her birthday parties the last few years, he was thrilled to be the center of attention. We kept the party small and everyone had a great time!
The Birthday Boy
Zoe and Ramsey "building"
Construction Worker
Another Member of the Crew
Laura and our Foreman Vic
Safety First
Party Snacks
Goodie Buckets for the party goers
Gum balls were a must since chewing gum is a
rite of passage in the Macknicki household
Goodies for the party guests
PB&J/PB& Honey Sandwiches shaped like hammers, saws,
bulldozers, drills, construction hats, and wrenches
The Cake
Cake again from a different angle
All Lit Up!
The inside of the attempt at making the inside
look like caution tape