large macaroni sculpture on Pier 39

Water slide fun at Wild Water Adventures

All Smiles

Playing in the pool with mommy

At the end of July we took a mini family vacation. Our first stop was in San Rafael where the kids enjoyed swimming in the pool and eating snacks & drinking o.j. garnished with cherries. After San Rafael we made a stop in the city. It was a beautiful day in San Francisco and the kids enjoyed the stroll along Fisherman's Wharf. They especially liked playing the games at the Museum of Mecanique...and until then, I didn't know it was actually possible to loose a ball while playing ski ball :0) After our day in San Francisco, we headed on to Baba and Papa's house in Fresno. While we were in Fresno, we did some school shopping (a must for our soon to be kindergartner), played games at Chuck E. Cheese, spent time at the swimming pool, enjoyed a Grizzlies game with awesome seats right above the dugout (unfortunately we found out after the game we missed seeing an old friend that was at the same game with his kiddos) , played miniature golf at Blackbeards, and rode some waterslides at Wild Water Adventures. Needless to say, the kids had a BLAST!!! When we left Fresno we decided to drive home a different way. We spent a FREE night in Suisun City. It was a nice little town along the harbor of the Delta. While staying in Suisun City, we took a short drive to the Hello Kitty Store where Zoe got to choose a "prize" for going over 2 weeks without chewing on anything at night. (For those of you who are unaware, Zoe has been chewing on a blanket at night since she was about a year old. On her 5th birthday we said goodbye to the blanket and hello to being a big girl who doesn't chew on blankets. Well obviously she wasn't ready to say goodbye to her blankets so she started chewing on random shirts and things to replace her blanket at night. About 3 weeks ago she took the final plunge and completely stopped chewing on something at night...hence the hello kitty reward) While staying in Suisun City we also took a side trip to the Jelly Belly Factory where we bought some belly flops to enjoy on the ride home. It was a fun, kid friendly vacation and a good time was had by all!