This picture is taken from our front can see how close the shed is to our house.
Last Monday my school got broken into. At first glance it appeared to be mere vandalism....just a few broken windows. After cleaning up the glass, we started noticing more "clues" (as my students were calling them). The person who had broken in had actually taken the time to defrost meat from our school freezer. The person then cooked some meat and apparently sat down to eat at a desk in one of the back rooms. Oddly enough, the meat that wasn't eaten had actually been put back into the refrigerator. We discovered that more food had been stolen out of the kitchen...some lunchmeat, crackers, bacon, and a few other things. We also found that one computer and the keyboard had been stolen...but not the monitor. It was all very odd.
That afternoon, Steve happened to be driving by school right as I was leaving so I hitched a ride instead of walking like I usually do. When we got to the gate at the bottom of our driveway there was a very random guy walking on the road right at the bottom of our driveway. He actually had to move out of our way so we wouldn't hit him. Since we live in the country, it isn't very often that you see a random person, that you don't recognize, walking down the road. After looking at him a little longer, I noticed that he was carrying a beverage container with a green lid. It was OUR container. I then remembered that the container had been full of ice tea and was in the fridge at school. I immediately knew that this was the guy that broke into the school. It was "The Bad Guy" as Zoe and the other kids like to call him.
We drove up the drive way and I called school to let Michael, the other teacher, know what was going on. We both called 911 while Steve stood outside and watched where he was going. While I was on the phone, Steve watched the guy hop the neighbors fence and then go inside the neighbor's shed. It was broad daylight, and the shed is literally feet from the bottom of our driveway. 911 sent a couple of sheriff's out and the guy was actually still in the shed. They arrested him, and I went down and identified all of our stuff. We got everything back. I even discovered that he had my lunch bag. (I had accidentally left it at school over the weekend) It was such a random turn of events.
Unfortunately it seems as if he didn't have to stay in jail long. He has already been spotted walking out our way again. When questioned he said "the Lord told him to go to Bridgeville" (a tiny town past our tiny town) So hopefully he just keeps on walking!