Saturday, June 27, 2009

Here Comes The Bride...

Check out Zoe's fancy new "It's Your Wedding Day" dress up kit that she got at a local recycled clothing store!

Signs of Summer!

Today was the first really warm day we've had in awhile...Ok so it was 80˚, but that is "really" warm to us. The kids were outside enjoying the sun and our little blow up pool. Zoe was also enjoying squirting Noah with the hose. He pretended to mind at first, but in the end he kept coming back for more.

Friday, June 26, 2009

CSAs Rock!

All this for only $24.00 a week!
Look at those yummy strawberries!

Last week we joined our first CSA. If you're unfamiliar, CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture. Here are the basics: a farmer offers a certain number of "shares" to the public. Typically the share consists of a box of vegetables, but other farm products may be included. Interested consumers purchase a share and in return receive a box/bag of seasonal produce each week throughout the farming season. So basically families like ours, buy local, organic, seasonal produce directly from the farmer. If you don't belong to a CSA, we highly recommend it. This week we got 4 squash (3 green & 1 yellow), 2 heads of broccoli, 1 bag of strawberries, A bunch of beets, 14 oz. of snap peas, 1/2 lb of spinach, 2 heads of lettuce, 2 bunches of bok choy, and a cucumber. I can't wait to see what we'll get from next week's harvest!

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Today Zoe's preschool had a trike-a-thon as a fundraiser. She was so excited to participate. She was also very determined to do the most laps. In the end she rode 13 laps. (10 laps= 1 Mile) She was very proud of herself. When the time was up, and all the children finished they all got to eat ice cream. Steve said all the children (EXCEPT Zoe) ran off to eat their ice cream. Zoe hung back and made sure she got her "gold" medal. She loves the fun of sports, but she is also SO competitive!

Laundry Time

This morning Noah was being my laundry "helper". As you can see he basically climbed in and out of the dryer while I tried to fold the laundry. I think I have these exact photos from when Zoe was my little laundry "helper".

Friday, June 5, 2009

The Climber Part 2

The climbing continues. Noah seems to be getting more creative and daring with his "climbs".

Funny Face!

Zoe sure does love making funny faces!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Climber

So we are is it that Noah refuses to walk (unless absolutely necessary), but he can climb up onto just about anything. Yesterday, Steve watched him move the box of legos, climb on top of the box and then climb onto the chair. Then he moved the lego box across the room to the book shelf, climbed onto the lego box and tried to reach the pen jar on the third shelf (see photo).

Ripple Creek

Here are a few pictures of Zoe enjoying her first field trip to Ripple Creek. (Could she look anymore like Steve in the bottom photo?)