Sunday, May 31, 2009

The 2nd Child

Poor Noah, he is definitely the 2nd child. After looking at all my recent blog posts, it seems that the posts about Zoe greatly out number the posts about Noah. Noah still remains to be our super mellow child. He is so happy and easy going. He is 13 1/2 months now and still isn't really walking. He can do it, but he just doesn't like too. Occasionally I'll see him walk 10 steps or so to walk across the room, but for the most part he would rather crawl. The other day I asked him if he knew how to walk and he shook his head yes and said "uh-uh". When I asked him if he liked to walk he shook his head no and said "uh-uh". As you can see he says "uh-uh" for yes and no. His favorite words/phrases are uh-uh, mama, dada, uh-oh, hi, doggie, and horse (which actually sounds similar to dog) and what's that.

Dirt Monster!

On Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday of last week I went on an overnight trip with my entire school. I decided to bring Zoe along. It gave me a chance to see how she will be once she is in my class and going to Kneeland School. Zoe did great! She is definitely a "Kneeland" kid. She fit right in. When I asked Zoe her favorite part this was her response: going river rafting, going fishing (we had a fishing derby at Kangaroo Lake and Zoe got to reel in her first fish), hiking, and staying in a cabin (although she called it a cabinet). As you can see from the photos, by the time we got home Zoe was FILTHY! She even had a shower while were on the trip. If the amount of dirt someone collects is an indicator of how much fun was had then Zoe had a SUPER DUPER fun time!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Get set, GO!

Today Zoe participated in the Kneeland Fun Run. Initially she registered for the 100 Meters race since it was for up to 6 years old. After running that race, it was clear she had the running bug. She decided to run the 1/4 mile and the 1/2 mile with all the big kids. She REALLY wanted to come in 1st, 2nd or 3rd so she could win a medal. She tried her hardest but only managed to get a 4th place in one of her races. Which is pretty darn good considering she was running with 10 year olds!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Flower Girl

The last few days have been beautiful. The sun has been shining and the temperature has been in the 60's. The kids have been outside playing and taking in the vitamin D. Yesterday I captured Zoe having a true girly moment. She was sitting outside in the grass picking daisies. I couldn't resist snapping a few photos. Next I'll have to teach her how to make a daisy chain.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

Yesterday I had a fun day being a Mommy. I took the day off work and went to Zoe's preschool for the Mother's Day Tea. It was great! We got to sit outside with our children and enjoy tea and snacks. Each child made their mom a beautiful tie dye scarf too. After the tea, Zoe and I went to lunch and spent the day together just the two of us. It was a great "girls day".

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Happy Birthday Zoe!

Today is Zoe's 4th birthday. She had her very first "friend" birthday party. She had a pizza themed birthday party. The kids decorated aprons and wore chef hats that I made. They made their own personal pizzas and decorated their own cupcakes to take home. Steve and I made a "pizza" cake and we played pin the pepperoni on the pizza. We are all exhausted, but it was A LOT of fun. Happy Birthday Zoe!